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European Sustainability Report 2024

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research / Segmentation


Understanding your target groups and being able to use a good segmentation & persona's can greatly increase marketing and sales effectiveness. USP frequently conducts segmentation studies for key stakeholders in the construction, installation and home improvement markets. Due to our 30+ years of experience in these segments, we can provide more then just data but insights and advice to build on.

Tailor made

Our research is always customized to fit your needs and help you answer your business objective trough insights and advice.

Leading industry experts

Leverage our 30+ years of expertise in the construction, installation and home improvement markets.

Insights and advice

Our mission is to provide insights and advice, not just data.

Clients we helped with segmentation research

What our clients say about us

Cees Breukers

Marketing analyst at Van Wijnen

USP's involvement in research was great, the results were fantastic.

Research topics

Every segmentation research USP conducts is unique. However, there are some elements that are frequently part of our segmentation studies.

Demographic Segmentation

Dividing the market based on demographic factors such as age, gender, income, education, occupation, marital status, or household size. These characteristics help in understanding the basic traits of different stakeholder groups.

Psychographic Segmentation

Grouping customers based on their lifestyles, values, beliefs, personality traits, interests, hobbies, and attitudes. This segmentation delves deeper into understanding stakeholder behaviors and motivations.

Behavioral Segmentation

Segmenting is based on actual stakeholder behaviors, such as usage rate, loyalty, purchase occasions, buying patterns, brand interactions, digitalization, openness to sustainability, and responses to marketing stimuli. This helps in identifying distinct behavior-based segments.

Needs-Based Segmentation

Identifying segments based on specific needs, problems, or challenges that stakeholders seek to address. This approach focuses on understanding and fulfilling particular needs within different customer groups.

Value-Based Segmentation

Segmentation is based on the perceived value stakeholders derive from the product or service. This could include segments that prioritize price, quality, convenience, or other value propositions.

Segmentation Validation and Profiling

Once segments are identified, validation and profiling involve analyzing and describing each segment in detail, including their characteristics, needs, behaviors, and preferences. The next step is to validate this for the total population.

Who benefits?

C-level professionals

Business/product development professionals

Marketing and market intelligence professionals

How can we improve our competitive advantage through better understanding of our customers/potential customers?

USP can conduct detailed segmentation research, covering all of the important metrics that are needed to develop segments and persona’s based on solid market research. The insights, combined with our 30+ years of market experience in the construction, installation, and home improvement market segments, allow us to advise and guide you on the outcomes to improve the sales and marketing strategy.

How big are the segments that our new to develop products will target?

USP can investigate which segments or personas will most likely be interested in your new product offering and determine the size of these segments.

We need to develop key persona’s based on a market segmentation

As an internationally operating market-specialized research agency for the construction, installation, and home improvement markets, USP can conduct and develop both the persona’s based on an existing segmentation or conduct a new segmentation from scratch. With our 30+ years of industry expertise in the construction, installation, and home improvement markets, we can deliver insights and advice.

Our segmentation experts

Dirk Hoogenboom

Manager Sales & Marketing

Maja Marković

Team Leader | Consultant


  1. Can USP develop persona’s based on a segmentation research?

Yes, as a specialized market research agency specializing in the construction, installation, and home improvement market segments, we can both conduct the segmentation study and derive persona’s from the outcomes, in cooperation with the principle.

  1. What type of methodology does USP use when it comes to customer journey researches?

This depends, of course, on your wishes and the feasibility of the fieldwork. In many cases, B2B target groups in the construction and installation market segments don’t respond well to online research. Furthermore, the availability of online panels for target groups like contractors, installers, painters, and so on is very low and typically of low quality. This is why USP frequently runs B2B customer journey studies via phone to ensure representativeness and the highest quality of results. This is the case for both qualitative and quantitative studies. For B2C target groups, online research is a much more viable option. Besides the fieldwork, segmentation studies typically also include desk research and census research.

  1. Can USP run a segmentation/persona’s research in multiple countries at the same time?

Yes, one of the added values of working with USP, besides our three decades of experience in the construction, installation, and home improvement segments, is that we can run our research projects in multiple countries simultaneously, utilizing the same methodology and questionnaire (of course in native languages).

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+31 10 2066900


Max Euwelaan 51
3062 MA Rotterdam