No. of pages
Target group
Painters from companies that indicate spending more than 10% of their working time on painting
Key research topics
Sustainability perception among painters
10-country report: Based on 1.647 successful quantitative telephone interviews in the native languages
Country scope
The UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark
Full report in pdf or ppt covering all 12, 10 or 8 countries, support from a key account manager in case of questions
Publication frequency
11,000 Euro

What is this report?
This report offers a comprehensive overview of sustainability among painters, with a specific focus on European painters. Within the report, you will discover the penetration and considerations for sustainability in product choice. This information can assist you in refining, enhancing, or developing your business strategies targeting painters. Our research is based on quantitative telephone interviews with painters from companies that indicate spending more than 10% of their working time on painting. There are multiple options for this report: an 12-country report based on 1,898 successful quantitative telephone interviews in the native languages, a 10-country report based on 1,647 interviews, and an 8-country report based on 1,345 interviews in the native languages.
Why do you need this report?
Like in many other industries, sustainability has become increasingly important in the European painters’ sector due to global concerns about the environment, resource conservation, and social responsibility. Investigating sustainability is a strategic decision that benefits manufacturers in terms of
market competitiveness, regulatory compliance, and long-term business sustainability. The paint/consumables/power tools industry can contribute to sustainability and play a significant role in creating a more environment-friendly industry through various practices and innovations. However, the role and importance of sustainability varies from market to market, and it is crucial to understand the specific market needs and expectations to make the right strategic decisions.
How was the research conducted?
This report is based on successful quantitative telephone interviews with painters conducted in their native language. The number of interviews depends on the number of countries investigated in the report. There are three research options available: the 12-country report is based on 1,898 interviews, the 10-country report is based on 1,647 interviews, and the 8-country report is based on 1,345 successful interviews. The report is built upon a representative sample of painters from companies that indicate spending more than 10% of their working time on painting. On average, interviewed companies spend 77% of their time on painting. This research is conducted annually, with the reports covering various key marketing topics.
What is included in this report?
The main objective of this research is to offer valuable insights into trends in the behaviour of painters. The report investigates painters’ sustainability perception, including their favoured sustainable products, penetration and considerations for sustainability in product choice. It also emphasizes distinctions among the European countries under consideration while providing comprehensive and in-depth insights to inform strategic decision-making. The report also provides a detailed profile of painters and offers insights into painter companies in Europe, including their pain points. If your target audience includes painters, this report can assist you in developing a more precise strategy and refining your approach towards this group.
Key questions answered
What is the average age of European painters?
What sizes are most European companies?
What is the focus in most European painting companies?
Where are most painting jobs done?
What is expected growth in painter’s business?
Table of content
- Management
- Profile of the painter
- Sustainability
- Paint products
- Consumables
- Power tools
Frequently asked questions
What is the average age of European painters?
The average age of European painter is 48 years.
What sizes are most European companies?
Most European painting companies are small businesses, and this trend is continuing into 2024,
except for Germany, where companies are growing larger.
What is the focus in most European painting companies?
While there are some small declining trends, most European painting companies, except in Poland,
remain primarily focused on painting jobs.
Where are most painting jobs done?
Most painting jobs are done in residential buildings undergoing renovation.
What is expected growth in painter's business?
Most European painters report having more work than they did last year, except for Germany, where
the workload is declining, and France together with Italy, where it has stagnated.

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