Ready made reports / Painter Insight Monitor
Painter Insight Monitor
Comprehensive insights into the state of the paint market in Europe, with a focus on European Painters. Every year approximately 1.900+ successful telephone interviews are conducted with painters in 8-11 European countries. Based on these interviews, one report is published per year, focusing a key marketing topics.

Excellence trough expertise
Key benefits

Excellence trough expertise
Available reports
11,000 € Single report
Excellence trough expertise
Upcoming reports
frequently asked questions
What are the major trends that we are covering with this research?
Every year a different trend or topic is investigated. For example, purchasing behaviour, orientation, sustianabilty, decision making and many more. Besides the changing topics, every report includes information on the turnover & orderbook developments and relevant background data. Finally, every report has brand funnels (brand awerness, usage and preference) for all important paint and non-paint products.
How is the research conducted?
This report is based on successful quantitative telephone interviews with proffesional painters conducted in their native language. The number of interviews depends on the number of countries investigated in the report. There are three research options available: the 11-country report is based on 1,905 interviews, the 10-country report is based on 1,753 interviews, and the 8-country report is based on 1,453 successful interviews. The report is built upon a representative sample of painters from companies that indicate spending more than 10% of their working time on painting. On average, interviewed companies spend 79% of their time on painting.
How often is the report published?
This report is published annually.
For whom is this research valuable?
These insights will be particularly valuable for manufacturers and wholesalers targeting this group, and with this information, they can optimize their business strategies.
How can one get access to the reports?
Contact us via [email protected] or via the report order form
What are the prices of the reports?
€ 10,815 Single 8 country report + 1 product brand scan
€ 16,415 Single 8 country report + all products (8 categories) brand scan
Additional product category costs €800
Additional Nordic package €3600
Additional CZ € 3750
Which countries does this report cover?
There are three versions of this report:
11-country report: the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark and Czech Republic
10-country report: the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Sweden and Denmark.
8-country report: the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy and Poland.

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+31 10 2066900ADDRESS
Max Euwelaan 51
3062 MA Rotterdam