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Ready made reports / Handyman Insights Monitor

Handyman Insights Monitor

This research focuses on European handymen, including smaller contractors and other multiskilled companies with a maximum of 4 employees. Every year, 1,562 interviews are conducted by phone in the native language in 7 European countries. Reports are published annually, and each report covers key trends or topics such as buying behavior, orientation behavior, sustainability, and many more.

Excellence trough expertise

Key benefits

Fact based insights

The European Handyman Monitor is based on solid quantitative market research. Every report is based on interviews with handymen, a solid foundation to provide key insights on a wide variety of marketing topics.

Solid methodolgy

Every report is based on approximately 1.562+ successful telephone interviews. This target group can only be properly investigated via telephone interviews, as online panels are either unavailable or unrelatable.

Strong comparabilty

The European Handyman Monitor cover seven key European countries. Every year, research is conducted and a report is published. Because the research is conducted in all of the countries at the same time, with the same methodology and questionnaire, the results per country are highly comparable.


Your opinions and input matter to us! All of our subscribers have an influence on the questionnaire and the topics we cover.

Long track record

The European Handyman Monitor has been running for many years and has a strong and loyal customer base. Many topics are repeated every two to three years, enabling multi-year comparisons and trends.

Excellence trough expertise

Available reports


Importance of branding & branding funnels 2024

2024 62 pages

This report offers a comprehensive overview of importance of branding and branding funnels with a specific focus on European handymen. Brand behaviour is covered for each country, showing purchasing power, differences regarding quality, sustainability, online shopping, innovation-habit and private labels,


Behavioural segmentation and media usage report 2023

2023 75 pages

This report provides a comprehensive overview of purchase behaviour, products, and media usage, specifically focusing on European handymen. It delves into how handymen use media, and for what purposes, and examines their habits and preferences in terms of purchasing behaviour.

8,600 € Single report

Clients of the Handyman Insights Monitor

What our clients say about us

Justyna Gudowska-Pohling

AC EMEA Customer Insights Manager at PPG

USP delivered the company good, useful business recommendations and insights, which have accelerated business growth.

Paul O’Dweyer

Global Consumer Market Development Manager at Bostik

Good working relationships between the project team, strong knowledge of the insights and findings from the fieldwork, presented and communicated very clearly in the report.

Leo van der Blom

Insights Manager Prof EMEA at AkzoNobel

These reports not only help us track changes within our target groups, aiding in informed decision-making, but also serve as input and benchmarks for our ongoing research and decision making.


Dirk Hoogenboom

Manager Sales & Marketing

Zeynep Kutsal

Team Leader | Consultant

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are the major trends that we are covering with this research?

Every year a different trend or topic is investigated. For example, purchasing behaviour, orientation, sustianabilty, decision making and many more. Besides the changing topics, every report includes information on the turnover & orderbook developments and relevant background data.

  1. How is the research conducted?

This report is based on 1.562 successful quantitative telephone interviews with handymen, conducted in their native language in Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany, and Poland. The report is built upon a representative sample of handymen from companies with a maximum of 4 full-time employees (including the owner) who are involved in at least 3 building construction activities.

  1. How often is the report published?

This report is published annually.

  1. For whom is this research valuable?

These insights will be particularly valuable for manufacturers and wholesalers targeting this group.

  1. How can one get access to the reports?

Contact us via [email protected] or you can use the report order form

  1. What are the prices of the reports?

The single report for 7 countries is available for €8,400, and an 2-year / two reports subscription is €15,250.

  1. Which countries does this report cover?

This report covers the following European countries: Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany, and Poland.

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3062 MA Rotterdam