Ready made reports / European Mechanical Installation Monitor
European Mechanical Installation Monitor
The European Mechanical Installation Monitor is a quarterly published research focusing on European HVAC installers and plumbers in 6 European countries. The research is based on 2,600 successful telephone interviews annually with HVAC installers and plumbers. From these interviews, four reports are published per year. Each report covers a specific topic such as media consumption, purchase channels, smart buildings, sustainability, and more.

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Excellence trough expertise
Available reports
2,800€ Single report / 9,100 € subscription of four reports
Excellence trough expertise
Upcoming reports
Frequently asked questions
What are the major trends that we are covering with this research?
The trends covered in these reports include: smart buildings, sustainability, services in the installation sector, trends among installation brands, media orientation, training needs, BIM usage, purchase channels and more.
How is the research conducted?
This report is based on 3,000 successful quantitative telephone interviews conducted annually with installers in the native language of the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain. The report relies on a representative sample of installers. The interviewed companies provide electrical installation services, but they may also engage in additional activities such as HVAC, plumbing, etc. Most interviews are conducted with the owners/directors or purchasers of these companies.
How often is the report published?
This report is published quarterly.
For whom is this research valuable?
These insights will be particularly valuable for manufacturers, marketing units, software suppliers, and wholesalers targeting this group.
How can one get access to the reports?
Contact us via or use the report order form
What are the prices of the reports?
The single report for 7 countries is available for €3,150, and an annual subscription is €10,500.
Which countries does this report cover?
This report covers the following European countries: Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Spain.

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