No. of pages
Target group
HVAC installers and plumbers, companies that provide HVAC installation services, but they may also do other activities in addition (Electrical installation etc.)
Key research topics
Training needs
Based on 675 successful quantitative telephone interviews in native languages
Country scope
United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland, Belgium and the Netherlands
Full report in pdf or ppt covering all 6 countries, support from a key account manager in case of questions
Publication frequency
2,650 Euro
What is this report?
This report offers a comprehensive view of the training needs among mechanical installers. Within the report, you will find insights into the installers' preferences about the type of training and topics that interest them the most. This information can aid in shaping, refining, or developing your business strategies for engaging with installers and provide the proper training offering. Furthermore, the report covers the orderbook, labor shortage and turnover developments of the installers. The research is based on quantitative telephone interviews conducted with 675 mechanical installers. These companies provide installation services The interviews were conducted across the six major European markets.
Why do you need this report?
This report will provide valuable insights into the perspectives of HVAC installers and plumbers regarding training needs in the installation sector. These insights will be especially valuable for manufacturers and wholesale targeting this group, to ensure the training offering fits the installers needs. Furthermore, understanding the training needs of installers will facilitate fact-based internal discussions without the need for custom research.
How was the research conducted?
This report is based on 675 successful quantitative telephone interviews with installers, conducted in the native language in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland, Belgium and the Netherlands. The report is based on a representative sample of installers, with companies that provide HVAC installation services, but they may also do other activities in addition (Electrical installation etc.). Most interviews are conducted with owners/ directors or purchasers of these companies. This research is conducted quarterly with reports covering different key marketing topics like media orientation, BIM, prefab, sustainability and many more.
What is included in this report?
The primary focus of this research is to provide key insights into the training needs of mechanical installers in Europe. The study offers insights into installers’ attitudes toward the training and which topics and type of training suits them the most. It highlights significant differences among the six European countries covered and provides other essential insights for each country. Additionally, the report includes a detailed view of the turnover and order book developments of the installers, along with other relevant details.
Wichtige Fragen, die beantwortet werden
In welchen europäischen Ländern sind mechanische Installateure am meisten und am wenigsten an Schulungen interessiert?
Was ist die bevorzugte Jahreszeit für Schulungen unter Installateuren in Europa?
Welche Art von Schulung ist für europäische Installateure am interessantesten?
Welche Themen interessieren Installateure im Hinblick auf Schulungen?
Wichtige Erkenntnisse
Profil des mechanischen Installateurs
Vereinigtes KönigreichKingdom
Die Niederlande
Häufig gestellte Fragen
In welchem Land ist Online-Training am beliebtesten?
In Polen bevorzugt der höchste Prozentsatz der Installateure Online-Training, obwohl dieser mit 11 % immer noch relativ niedrig ist.
In welchem Land ist Offline-Training am beliebtesten?
In Belgien und den Niederlanden bevorzugt der höchste Prozentsatz der Installateure Präsenztraining (83 %).
Welche Jahreszeit eignet sich am besten für Schulungen?
Die erste Hälfte des Jahres ist für die meisten Länder der bevorzugte Zeitraum für Schulungen, während der Herbst am wenigsten bevorzugt wird.
Für welche Produktkategorien wird am meisten Schulung benötigt?
Wärmepumpen sind die am häufigsten nachgefragte Produktkategorie für Schulungen in allen Ländern, außer im Vereinigten Königreich, wo Heizkessel und Warmwasserbereiter beliebter sind.
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