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Ready made reports / European Mechanical Installation Monitor

European Mechanical Installation Monitor

The European Mechanical Installation Monitor is a quarterly published research focusing on European HVAC installers and plumbers in 6 European countries. The research is based on 2,600 successful telephone interviews annually with HVAC installers and plumbers. From these interviews, four reports are published per year. Each report covers a specific topic such as media consumption, purchase channels, smart buildings, sustainability, and more.

Excellence trough expertise

Key benefits

Fact based insights

The European mechanical monitor is based on solid quantitative market research. Telephone interviews are conducted with European HVAC installers and plumbers in six European countries. Based on this, four reports are published per year covering a wide variety of marketing topics.

Solid methodolgy

Every report is based on approximately 650–700 successful telephone interviews with HVAC installers and plumbers in seven countries. This target group can only be properly investigated via telephone interviews, as online panels are either unavailable or unrelatable.

Strong comparabilty

The European mechanical installation monitor covers seven key European countries. Reports are published quarterly. Because the research is conducted in all of the countries at the same time, with the same methodology and questionnaire, the results per country are highly comparable.


Your opinion and input matter to us! All of our subscribers have influence on the questionnaire and the topics we cover.

Long track record

The European mechanical installation monitor has been running for many years and has a strong & loyal customer base. Many of the quarterly topics are repeated every year, enabling multi-year comparisons and trends.

Excellence trough expertise

Available reports


Media orientation Q4 2024

2025 128 pages

The European Mechanical Installation Monitor report provides a detailed analysis of the plumbing and HVAC industry. This report specifically focuses on Media Orientation in the industry.


Prefab Q3 2024

2024 110 pages

Uncover the adoption of prefabricated products in HVAC installations during Q2 2022. Delve into the benefits and challenges associated with prefabrication in HVAC.


Smart and connected products Q2 2024

2024 129

This report provides a comprehensive view of the attitudes of installers toward smart building solutions, specifically among HVAC installers, plumbers and their clients. In the report, you will find insights into the installers' experiences with installing smart products and the willingness of end users to invest in such solutions, as well as their motivations and pain points.


BIM Q1 2024

2024 84 pages

The European Mechanical Installation Monitor report provides a detailed analysis of the plumbing and HVAC industry. This report specifically focuses on BIM adaptation in the industry.


Training needs Q4 2023

2024 110 Pages

Dieser Bericht untersucht die Schulungsbedarfe von Installateuren, sowohl im digitalen als auch im persönlichen Bereich. Der vollständige Bericht behandelt alle wichtigen Schulungsbedarfe und -aspekte und bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Geschäftsentwicklung im Installationssektor in wichtigen europäischen Ländern.


Services in the Installation market Q2 2023

2023 111 pages

This report explores the type of support installers anticipate from manufacturers and to what degree. Alongside a thorough examination of installation services, the report presents a comprehensive overview of business development in the installation sector across important European countries.


Sustainability Q1 2023

2023 99 pages

The European Mechanical Installation Monitor report provides a detailed analysis of the plumbing and HVAC industry. This report specifically focuses on sustainability aspects in the industry.


Purchase channels Q3 2023

2023 106 pages

This report provides a comprehensive view of the attitudes of installers toward purchase channels, specifically among HVAC installers. In the report, you will find insights into buying behaviour, which channels are mostly used, which are growing, and whether online channels are gaining acceptance.


Prefabricated products in HVAC installation Q2 2022

2022 131 pages

Uncover the adoption of prefabricated products in HVAC installations during Q2 2022. Delve into the benefits and challenges associated with prefabrication in HVAC.


Smart Buildings and Products Q3 2022

2022 125 pages

This report provides a comprehensive view of the attitudes of installers toward smart building solutions, specifically among HVAC installers and their clients. In the report, you will find insights into the installers' experiences with installing smart products and the willingness of end users to invest in such solutions, as well as their motivations and pain points.

2,800€ Single report / 9,100 € subscription of four reports

Clients of the European Mechanical Installation Monitor

What our clients say about us

Johan Gijsman

Group Director Marketing, Walraven Holding

We have been using the mechanical installation monitor issued by USP for many years for the planning of our strategic initiatives.

dr. Christian Heine

CEO, Rothenberger AG

The European Mechanical Installation Monitor gives us great insights and these insights support our strategic decisions.


Dirk Hoogenboom

Manager Sales & Marketing

Ralitsa Ruseva

Managing Consultant

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are the major trends that we are covering with this research?

The trends covered in these reports include: smart buildings, sustainability, services in the installation sector, trends among installation brands, media orientation, training needs, BIM usage, purchase channels and more.

  1. How is the research conducted?

This report is based on 3,000 successful quantitative telephone interviews conducted annually with installers in the native language of the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain. The report relies on a representative sample of installers. The interviewed companies provide electrical installation services, but they may also engage in additional activities such as HVAC, plumbing, etc. Most interviews are conducted with the owners/directors or purchasers of these companies.

  1. How often is the report published?

This report is published quarterly.

  1. For whom is this research valuable?

These insights will be particularly valuable for manufacturers, marketing units, software suppliers, and wholesalers targeting this group.

  1. How can one get access to the reports?

Contact us via [email protected] or use the report order form

  1. What are the prices of the reports?

The single report for 7 countries is available for €3,150, and an annual subscription is €10,500.

  1. Which countries does this report cover?

This report covers the following European countries: Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Spain.

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+31 10 2066900


Max Euwelaan 51
3062 MA Rotterdam